Bastia ... vieille citée
TER corse ...
A l"ombre ...
Lever de soleil sur la plage ... vive le bivouac
Village de "Coti Chavari"
Village corse
Bains de Guitera
... sur le chemin
Sur le chemin de Zicavo
Noir orage à Bastia
Bastia, le port ... version panoramique !
Bastia, le port
12 days on the overnight hikes "Mare a Montis sud" (Propriano to Porticcio) and "Mare a Mare centre" (Porticcio to Ghisonaccia)

The trip: :
- Bastia -> Ile Rousse by train, camping and beach at Ile Rousse
- -> Ajaccio (via Corte) by train
- -> Propriano, by bus
- -> Porticcio, by foot (Mare a Montis sud), 5 days
- -> Ghisonaccia, by foot (Mare a Mare centre), 7 days
- -> Porto-Vecchio, by bus
- -> Bastia, by bus (quite long)

Notes :
- Bastia is a pleasant city (centre + old harbor + citadelle)
- It is possible to go to Ajaccio from Bastia directly (dont need to go to Ile Rousse)
- It is not the TGV! It is slow, very slow (almost one day to do 150km!). But the views are stunning and it is better to have time to enjoy it.
- In season off (high season= July and August), we have to know everything before to leave because there is a few common public transport.
- We missed Bonifaccio et Calvi. I visited this city several years later (GR20). This city are beautiful.

(Plane + train + bus + 12 hiking days + tent or gite in city)

... 27 April to 12 May 2002

Camera: Pentax Espio 120W
12 photos
Bastia ... vieille citée
TER corse ...
A l"ombre ...
Lever de soleil sur la plage ... vive le bivouac
Village de "Coti Chavari"
Village corse
Bains de Guitera
... sur le chemin
Sur le chemin de Zicavo
Noir orage à Bastia
Bastia, le port ... version panoramique !
Bastia, le port
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